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EFPP Book Series

Browse through the EFPP Book Series published by Routledge


Monograph Series

Cover - A Psychoanalytic Exploration On Sameness and Otherness

A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Social Trauma The Inner Worlds of Outer Realities

Cristina Calarasanu, Ulrich Schultz-Venrath & Hansjorg Messner

December 30, 2022

Cover - A Psychoanalytic Exploration On Sameness and Otherness

A Psychoanalytic Exploration On Sameness and Otherness

Anne-Marie Schlösser

December 24, 2019

Cover - A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent: Europe on the Couch

A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent: Europe on the Couch

Anna Zajenkowska, Uri Levin

October 29, 2019

Cover - A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Conflicts and Reconciliation in Groups and Society

A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Conflicts and Reconciliation in Groups and Society

Gila Ofer

July 31, 2017

Cover - Siblings Envy and Rivalry, Coexistence and Concern

Siblings: Envy and Rivalry, Coexistence and Concern

Beata Maciejewska, Katarzyna Skrzypek, Zuzanna Stadnicka-Dmitriew

May 09, 2014

Families in Transformation A Psychoanalytic Approach

Families in Transformation A Psychoanalytic Approach

Anna Maria Nicolo, Pierre Benghozi & Daniela Lucarelli

April 2, 2014

Cover -Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy A Handbook

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy A Handbook

Matthias Elzer & Alf Gerlach

March 17, 2014

Cover -The Development of Consciousness

The Development of Consciousness An Integrative Model of Child Development, Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis

Giampaolo Sasso

December 31, 2007

Cover -Bearing Witness Psychoanalytic Work with People Traumatised by Torture and State Violence

Bearing Witness Psychoanalytic Work with People Traumatised by Torture and State Violence

Andres Gautier & Anna Sabatini Scalmati

December 31, 2010

Cover -Play and Power

Play and Power

Liselotte Grunbaum & Karen Vibeke Mortensen

December 31, 2010

Cover -Assessing Change in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents Today’s Challenge

Assessing Change in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents Today’s Challenge

Judith Trowell & John Tsiantis

December 31, 2010

Cover -The Analytic Field A Clinical Concept

The Analytic Field A Clinical Concept

Roberto Basile & Antonino Ferro

December 31, 2009

Cover -Crossing Borders – Integrating Differences Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Transition

Crossing Borders – Integrating Differences Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Transition

Anne-Marie Schloesser & Alf Gerlach

December 31, 2010

Cover -Invisible Boundaries Psychosis and Autism in Children and Adolescents

Invisible Boundaries Psychosis and Autism in Children and Adolescents

Didier Houzel & Maria Rhode

December 31, 2006

Cover -The Therapist at Work Personal Factors Affecting the Analytic Process

The Therapist at Work Personal Factors Affecting the Analytic Process

Dimitris Anastasopoulos, Christos Ioannidis, Judy Kantrowitz, Joachim Küchenhoff, Gila Ofer, Evangelos Papanicolaou, Maria Ponsi, Claude Smadja, Imre Szecsody & Gisela Zeller Steinbrich

December 31, 2004

Cover -Research on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adults

Research on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adults

Horst Kachele, Camilla Renlund & Phil Richardson

December 31, 2004

Cover -Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy The Controversies and the Future

Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy The Controversies and the Future

Serge Frisch, Jean-Marie Gauthier & R. D. Hinshelwood

December 31, 2001

Cover - Work with Parents Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

Work with Parents Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

Siv Boalt Boethious, Birgit Hallerfors, Ann Horne & John Tsiantis

December 31, 2010

Cover - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Severely Disturbed Adolescent

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Severely Disturbed Adolescent

Dimitris Anastasopoulos, Effie Lignos & Margot Waddell

December 31, 1999

Cover - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutional Settings

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutional Settings

Serge Frisch, R. D. Hinshelwood, Didier Houzel & Julia Pestalozzi

December 31, 1998

Cover - Supervision and its Vicissitudes

Supervision and its Vicissitudes

Brian V. Martindale, Margareta Morner, Maria E. Rodriguez & Jean-Pierre Vidit

December 31, 1997

Cover - Countertransference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

Countertransference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

Dimitris Anastasopoulos, Brian V. Martindale, Anne-Marie Sandler & John Tsiantis

December 31, 1997

Cover - A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Social Trauma The Inner Worlds of Outer Realities

Cristina Calarasanu, Ulrich Schultz-Venrath & Hansjorg Messner

A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Social Trauma The Inner Worlds of Outer Realities

December 30, 2022

A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Social Trauma presents a thorough introduction to social trauma from a range of perspectives, exploring several key themes, specific causes and symptoms and clinical interventions.
With chapters from a diverse range of authors, the book considers social trauma as it relates to stories and history, group identity, the consulting room, migration, and post-traumatic conditions. These topics are explored via a range of frames, including individual therapy, group analysis, social dream matrix, large groups, case studies, narrative recollections, and cinematographic expression. The book also considers the implications of new technology in causing and treating social trauma.
A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Social Trauma will be of great interest to psychoanalytic psychotherapists in practice and in training, psychoanalysts, and psychoanalytically informed professionals working with trauma.

Cover - A Psychoanalytic Exploration On Sameness and Otherness
Anne-Marie Schlösser

is a psychologist and training and supervising analyst with the IPA, DPG, and DGPT, working in private practice after many years at the Department of Medical Psychology at the University of Goettingen. She is a member of German committees for the development of psychotherapy, an expert for psychoanalytic treatment in the German Health Services, past president of the DGPT and EFPP, and has offered training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Shanghai. She is Editor-in-Chief of the EFPP Book Series published by Routledge.

Anne-Marie Schlösser

A Psychoanalytic Exploration On Sameness and Otherness: Beyond Babel?

December 24, 2019

In dialogue with the most famous myth for the origin of different languages – The Tower of Babel – A Psychoanalytic Exploration on Sameness and Otherness: Beyond Babel? provides a series of timely reflections on the themes of sameness and otherness from a contemporary psychoanalytic perspective. How are we dealing with communication and its difficulties, the confusion of tongues and loss of common ground within a European context today? Can we move beyond Babel?

Confusion and feared loss of shared values and identity are a major part of the daily work of psychoanalytic psychotherapists.Bringing together an international range psychoanalytic practitioners and researchers, the book is divided into six parts and covers an array of resonant topics, including: language and translation; cultural identity; families and children; the cyber world; the psychotherapeutic process; and migration. Whereas the quest for unity, which underpins the myth of Babel, leads to mystification, simplification, and the exclusion of people or things, multilingual communities necessitate mutual understanding through dialogue. This book examines those factors that further or threaten communication, aiming not to reduce, but to gain complexity. It suggests that diversification enriches communication and that, by relating to others, we can create something new.

As opposed to cultural and linguistic homogeneity, Babel is not only a metaphor for mangled communication, alienation, and distraction, it is also about the acceptance or rejection of differences between self and other. This book will be of great interest to psychoanalytic psychotherapists and researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Cover - A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent
Anna Zajenkowska, PhD.

is Adjunct Professor and manages the Department of Social Psychology and Doctoral School of the Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University in Warsaw. She is a trained group analyst and board member of the IGAR (Institute of Group Analysis RASZTÓW). She has previously studied and worked in corporations in Austria, Korea and Poland.

Uri Levin

is a clinical psychologist, group analyst and organizational consultant. He is a board member of the EFPP (European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy). He teaches at the Tel Aviv University and supervises both in individual and group settings. He works mainly at his private practice in Tel Aviv with adults and adolescents.


A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent: Europe on the Couch

OCTOBER 29, 2019

This important book gathers a set of influential international contributors with psychoanalytic and group analytic knowledge to provide a wide-ranging critical analysis of the present state of Europe.

Europe is facing huge challenges: waves of immigrants are reshaping its identity and testing its tolerance; Brexit is a destabilizing factor and its outcomes are not yet clear; economic crises continue to threaten; the resurgence of nationalism is threatening an open-borders one-continent ideology. This book tackles some of these challenges. Divided into two parts, the first analyses the current social, political, cultural and economic trends in Europe using psychoanalytic and group analytic concepts, while the second concentrates on existing applications of psychoanalytic and group analytic concepts to help manage national and international change in individual countries as well as on the continent as a whole, including groups for German, Ukrainian and Russian participants; groups organised in Serbia in order to overcome the recent, traumatic past; and the “Sandwich model”, developed to enhance communication in situations of conflict, trauma and blocked communication. When we feel threatened, we cling to our in-group and its members. We want to think the same and be the same as our neighbors, but this group illusion of homogeneity conceals the fact that we are different. While homogeneity offers stability, it is diversity that offers freedom.

This book will be of great interest to researchers on the present state of Europe from across a range of different disciplines, from psychoanalysis to politics, sociology, economics and international relations.

Cover - A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Conflicts and Reconciliation in Groups and Society

Vamik Volkan, Robi Friedman, John Schlapobersky, Haim Weinberg, and Michael Bucholz, with a foreword by Earl Hopper and an introduction by Gila Ofer

A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Conflicts and Reconciliation in Groups and Society

July 31, 2017

This book is a compilation of papers by different authors, among them Vamik Volkan, Robi Friedman, John Schlapobersky, Haim Weinberg, and Michael Bucholz, with a foreword by Earl Hopper and an introduction by Gila Ofer, both editor and contributor.
While most of the writers are group analysts, working in the tradition of Foulkes, several others come from different though complementary perspectives, enriching the theoretical basis of the research. So, there are perspectives, inter alia, from Bion and Cortesao.
The writers represent different countries and cultures, focusing on problems that are endemic to their own localities that yet have a wider and deeper resonance. We are introduced to conflict and division in Bedouin society, the Roma people living in Greece, citizens’ reflective communities in Serbia, continuing territorial and ideological differences in Israel and the middle-east, and tensions of difference in the psychoanalytic community itself.

Cover - Siblings Envy and Rivalry, Coexistence and Concern

Beata MaciejewskaKatarzyna Skrzypek & Zuzanna Stadnicka-Dmitriew

Envy and Rivalry, Coexistence and Concern

May 9, 2014

This book compiles papers presented at the European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy’s 2011 Conference, which attempts to find the place of sibling relationships in psychoanalytic practice. It examines the rivalry and envy between siblings, and the coexistence and concern for each other.


Table of Contents

Series Editor’s Preface — Foreword — Introduction — Sibling: Intruder or Newcomer — Sibling rivalry: psychoanalytic aspects and institutional implications — Siblings in psychotherapy: a report from a preliminary psychoanalytic research project — Therapeutic group—almost like a family: a few comments on siblings — The intransience of the sibling bond: a relational and family systems view — Moses, Aaron, Miriam: integrative sibling relation — Growing up with a Sick or Disabled Sibling — The disabled child’s siblings and parents: dealing with the impact of the birth of a disabled sibling: a case study — The disabled child’s siblings and parents: the ghost sibling — The disabled child’s siblings and parents: their predicaments — A family under a microscope: about the influence of family ties through DNA — Loss of a Sibling — The transgenerational pattern of trauma transmission — A sister is being murdered — Casting a long shadow: implications of sibling loss — Transference and Countertransference Related to Siblinghood — The actual twin and the imaginary subject — The lost twin: on various types of reaction to having a twin sibling — Experiences with siblings in early childhood: specific forms of transference and countertransference in therapeutic processes — Lateral vs. Vertical: The Intertwining of the Two Perspectives — Envy, jealousy, love, and generosity in sibling relations: the impact of sibling relations on future family relations — The fraternal complex in the Under Five Service — Ghosts in sibling rivalry — “We are unbeatable.” The relation between siblings seen as an opportunity or as a retreat: talking about the Oedipus complex—is that old-fashioned? — The psychotherapists’ relation with their own siblings as a factor shaping the therapeutic relation.


Cover - Families in Transformation A Psychoanalytic Approach

Anna Maria Nicolo, Pierre Benghozi & Daniela Lucarelli

Families in Transformation

A Psychoanalytic Approach

April 2, 2014

This book is a collection of essays by eminent scholars on the psychoanalysis of couples and families and provides a wide ranging and articulated picture of the current situation in Europe.
The reader will find various psychoanalytical models applied in it: from object relations theory to group analysis to the theory of links, encountering the lively and rich French, Italian, and British schools at work in different settings.

Cover - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy A Handbook

Matthias Elzer & Alf Gerlach

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
A Handbook

March 17, 2014

This book is an introductory textbook for psychiatrists and psychologists who use psychotherapy in a psychoanalytic attitude in their daily professional work with patients.
It was developed from the experiences of German psychoanalysts teaching in China between 1997 and 2010. The idea of a basic textbook was developed in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process.


Book Description

This book provides a complete and fundamental overview, from a psychoanalytical point of view, on theoretical and clinical aspects of psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy. It includes the theory of the human mind, psychic development, psychic conflicts, trauma, and dreams.

Table of Contents
Series Editor’s Preface — Preface — Psychoanalytic Theory of the Human Mind — Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychic Development through the Life Span — Conflict, Trauma, Defence Mechanisms, and Symptom Formation — Dreams — The Therapeutic Relationship — The Setting in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy — Diagnosis and Treatment in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy — Psychopathology and Psychodynamics of Neurosis — Psychopathology and Psychodynamics of Psychosomatic Disorders — Psychotic Disorders, Addiction, and Suicide.
Cover - The Development of Consciousness

Giampaolo Sasso

The Development of Consciousness

An Integrative Model of Child Development, Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis

December 31, 2007

This book comes as a landmark. Sasso’s work is extremely valuable for everybody wanting to think over possible points of convergence between psychoanalysis and neuroscience.
This well-documented text addresses the complexity of this field and suggests a new model of brain growth that takes into account the psychic work of both the child and his/her carers. It touches especially upon the problems of the development of consciousness and the origins of language.’

Bernard Golse

Table of Contents
Series Editors’ Preface — Introduction — The cultural inheritance of Project for a Scientific Psychology — Recent progress in the field of neuroscience — The current idea of a child’s mental development — A new model of brain development — Drive dynamics and maternal modulation — Normal and pathogenic development of mother-child interaction — Defence structures and the development of consciousness — The origin of language — Child development and the integration of psychoanalysis and neuroscience — The unresolved problems of Freudian metapsychology — Conclusion.
Cover - Bearing Witness Psychoanalytic Work with People Traumatised by Torture and State Violence

Andres Gautier & Anna Sabatini Scalmati

Bearing Witness
Psychoanalytic Work with People Traumatised by Torture and State Violence

December 31, 2010

‘In their discussion of torture, the contributors to this book write of what its victims cannot put into words and the work that has to be done with them to that end.
Working with a victim’s account of a traumatic experience goes much further than any debriefing technique would have us believe—above all, victims need someone to listen carefully to what they have to say; that person will be the first to offer a refuge for the pain of those who have no internal “shelter” of their own.’ René Kaës, From the Foreword

Table of Contents
Series Editors’ Preface — Foreword — Introduction — Far Away from Home — Ambiguity as a defence in extreme trauma — Routes to the unspeakable: working with victims of torture — Social conflicts and psychic suffering — Internal homelessness — The post-traumatic nightmare: the via regia to unconscious integration? — The rupture of links in the context of migration: open-mouthed and sewn-mouths — There where Horror Happens — The place of compassion in political conflict — Tell me your story: psychoanalytical trauma psychotherapy in South Africa — The psychoanalyst: from private witness to public testimony.
Cover - Play and Power

Liselotte Grunbaum & Karen Vibeke Mortensen

Play and Power

December 31, 2010

The power of play, so central to psychoanalytic theory and practice, is conjoined to the social psychological or socio-politically coloured concept of power, giving rise to many fruitful discussions of how these concepts manifest themselves in clinical work with children, groups and adults.
The inspiration for this book was the 3-section EFPP conference in Copenhagen in May 2007 with the main theme “Play and Power”.

The power of play, so central to psychoanalytic theory and practice, is conjoined to the social psychological or socio-politically coloured concept of power, giving rise to many fruitful discussions of how these concepts manifest themselves in clinical work with children, groups and adults. The inspiration for this book was the 3-section EFPP conference in Copenhagen in May 2007 with the main theme “Play and Power“. At the conference and in the book, this theme is presented both inside and outside the therapeutic space. It is amply illustrated in clinical cases from individual psychotherapies with children and adults and from group analysis. Most of the examples are with hateful or resigned children and adults who have been exposed to extremely damaging or unhelpful environments, and who demonstrate convincingly some of the devastating consequences that abuse of power in the real world may have. Play and power are also explored in the broader context of the community, however.


Cover - Assessing Change in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents Today’s Challenge

Judith Trowell & John Tsiantis

Assessing Change in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents
Today’s Challenge

December 31, 2010

Working with children, young people and their families has been so demanding and interesting that we have failed to give priority to demonstrating that what we do is helpful. This applies even more to those of us working using psychoanalytic theories.
This book draws together work by leading clinical researchers from across Europe who have taken up this challenge and have undertaken clinical research to look at the effectiveness of psychoanalytic interventions.

Book Description

This book draws together work from across Europe by leading clinical researchers who have been looking into the effectiveness of psychoanalytic interventions. They are mostly time limited, brief, non-intensive ways of working so are applicable in many settings and can therefore be generalised to other clinical teams. The populations worked with are diverse and often present mainstream services with refractory clinical problems, so an applied psychoanalytic approach is well worth trying, given the evidence presented in this volume. There is in addition an excellent theoretical chapter on the issues of such clinical research from Stephen Shirk which merits consideration by those wishing to evaluate their own work. This book is an important contribution to services for child and adolescent mental health. With increasing family distress and concerns about inadequate parenting, family breakdown and troublesome adolescents, it will help to ensure the full menu of interventions is retained in these times of financial restraint.


Table of Contents
Series Editors’ Preface — Foreword — Introduction — Child and adolescent psychotherapy research: Clinical applications — Integrating research in a clinical setting for child psychotherapy: A case study about facilitating and hindering factors in psychoanalytic psychotherapy — What does a manual contribute? — Focused systematic case studies: An approach linking clinical work and research — The Heidelberg study of psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents — Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): A field for contemporary psychoanalysis?: Some clinical, conceptual and neurobiological considerations based on the Frankfurt Prevention Study 1 — Research on therapeutic processes: In psychodynamic psychotherapy with children and adolescents — Ethical principles in conducting research with children and adolescents.
Cover - The Analytic Field A Clinical Concept

 Roberto Basile & Antonino Ferro

The Analytic Field
A Clinical Concept

December 31, 2009

Until now, no book has ever attempted to compare and contrast contributions on field theory and at the same time to explore its clinical and technical implications.
This volume is intended to link together, for the first time, many of these writings and to provide wide-ranging survey of the subject – for it is our contention that a theory of the field in various of its loci can also be inhabited by different theories.

A particular aim of this book is to present not only theoretical discussions of field theory, but also contributions on clinical work and technique. For this reason we have given preference to articles with a substantial clinical component which exemplify specific underlying technical theory. In the Babel of psychoanalytic languages, clinical practice is in our view the most effective way of comparing psychoanalytic models.

Cover - Crossing Borders – Integrating Differences Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Transition

Anne-Marie Schloesser & Alf Gerlach

Crossing Borders – Integrating Differences
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Transition

December 31, 2010

This book will stimulate readers to cross borders: between theory and practice, between research and everyday therapy, between out-patient and in-patient psychotherapy, between the view of ones own, the known and the culturally foreign. Yet it is only with an awareness of these borders, an acknowledgement and respect of them, that it will be possible to proceed towards integrating differences, where this makes sense and appears necessary.

Table of Contents
Preface — Introduction — Questioning Psychoanalytical Conceptualisation — On transference interpretation as a resistance to free association — Attachment and psychoanalysis: Is the concept of attachment drive really heretical? — Combining individual and group therapy in an out-patient setting for patients with personality disorders—useful approach or invitation to acting out? — Must one respect religiosity? — Psychotherapy in Culture and Society: Problems of Migration, Interculturality — Trauma, Migration and Creativity — Culture-orientated psychoanalysis: On taking cultural background into account in the therapy of migrants — Similar and yet different. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with first and later generation immigrants in the Netherlands — Teaching psychotherapy as a bridge in a multicultural environment — Widening the Borders in Psychoanalytic Treatment — Reflecting on borderline pathologies: The perverse core and its role in the crossroads between self-representation and confusion — Aborted hope: Transference and countertransference implications of a narcissistic phantasy — Experiencing loss and mourning in the countertransference — Function of borders: Permeability and demarcation. The contact barrier in the psychoanalytic process — The infra-verbal dimension of language in the transference: Its significance in the therapeutic process — Is Psychoanalytic Research Possible? — The profession and empirical research—sovereignty and integration — Evidence-based psychoanalysis—a critical discussion of research into psychoanalytic therapy — Psychosocial problems of patients with difficult to treat depression.
Cover - Invisible Boundaries Psychosis and Autism in Children and Adolescents

Didier Houzel & Maria Rhode

Invisible Boundaries
Psychosis and Autism in Children and Adolescents

December 31, 2006

This volume is an outcome of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy conference on psychotic and autistic conditions in childhood and adolescence, encouraging the cross-fertilization of psychoanalytic practice and theory across the international boundaries in Europe.

Table of Contents
Series Editors’ Preface — Introduction — Autism and psychosis — Time, space, and the mind: psychotherapy with children with autism — The symbolic and the concrete: psychotic adolescents in psychoanalytic psychotherapy — Splitting of psychic bisexuality in autistic children — Comment on “Splitting of psychic bisexuality in autistic children” — Conversation with Geneviève Haag — Conversation with Raymond Cahn.
Cover - The Therapist at Work Personal Factors Affecting the Analytic Process

Dimitris Anastasopoulos, Christos Ioannidis, Judy Kantrowitz, Joachim Küchenhoff, Gila Ofer, Evangelos Papanicolaou, Maria Ponsi, Claude Smadja, Imre Szecsody & Gisela Zeller Steinbrich

The Therapist at Work
Personal Factors Affecting the Analytic Process

December 31, 2004

Dimitris Anastasopoulos and Evangelos Papanicolaou have gathered together a distinguished group of contributors to focus on the therapist’s participation in therapy and the influence of personal factors on the therapeutic relationship. The majority of the papers grew out of the proceedings of the fourth EFPP Congress of the Adults Section in 2000 and explore the therapist-patient relationship with the emphasis on the influence of the therapist as opposed to that of the patient. Topics discussed in this collection include the impact of the patient on the analyst, how the analyst’s clinical theory and personal philosophy affect the analytic process, the effect of the therapist’s dreams on the therapeutic process, the psychoanalyst’s influence on the collaborative process, and intersubjective phenomena and emotional exchange in the psychoanalytic process. Certain papers focus mainly on theory while others are more clinically-oriented. This volume presents an overview of historic and current thinking and aims to generate yet more discussion on this evolving and important issue. It will be of interest to practicing and training psychotherapists.


Table of Contents
Introduction — Foreword — The analyst’s clinical theory and its impact on the analytic process in psychoanalytic psychotherapy — A different perspective on the therapeutic process: the impact of the patient on the analyst — Knowing and being known — How does psychoanalysis work? — Intersubjective phenomena and emotional exchange: new considerations regarding transference and countertransference — Constructing therapeutic alliance: the psychoanalyst’s influence on the collaborative process — The therapist is dreaming: the effect of the therapist’s dreams on the therapeutic process — The healing work of a practising psychoanalyst/psychotherapist.
Cover - Research on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adults
Horst Kachele (Germany) MD

is a Specialist in Psychotherapeutic Medicine and a psychoanalyst (IPA). He is full professor and Chair of the Department of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine at Ulm University; he also directs the Centre for Psychotherapy Research in Stuttgart. He is a member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.

Camilla Renlund (Finland)

Adult Psychiatrist and a member of the research team of the Helsinki Psychotherapy Study, a randomized psychotherapy outcome study. She also works as a psychoanalyst in private practice in Helsinki and is an Associate Member of the Finnish Psycho-Analytical Society.

Horst Kachele, Camilla Renlund & Phil Richardson

Research on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adults

December 31, 2004

Anthony W Bateman, Peter Fonagy, Ines Gitzinger, Ralf Grabhorn, Tilman Grande, Johan Grant, Dorothea Huber, Thorsten Jakobsen, Burkard Jäger, Horst Kächele, Wolfram Keller, Guenther Klug, Peter Köhler, Werner Köpp, Peter Malewski, Kingsley Norton, Claudia Oberbracht, Camilla Renlund, Phil Richardson, Gerd Rudolf, Rolf Sandell, Silke Schmidt, Bernhard Strauss, Jörn von Wietersheim, Fiona Warren.
Volume 7 in the EFPP Series that aims to promote the pan-European community of psychoanalytic psychotherapists. The contributors come from different cultures but are united in their view of the importance of empirical research in psychotherapy. The chapters examine issues as varied as treatment of eating disorders, the differences between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, treatment outcomes of group psychotherapy, and treatment of borderline personality disorders.

EFPP Monograph Series

‘This is a pioneering volume of work in progress. It is clear from the variety of findings reported in this stimulating volume that many of the traditional ideas concerning psychoanalytic psychotherapy will need to be revised.’ Peter Fonagy from the Foreword PHIL RICHARDSON (UK) is a clinical psychologist and qualified as a psychoanalyst with the British Psychoanalytical Society. He is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Essex and Head of Psychology at the Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust where he is also Director of the Psychotherapy Evaluation Research Unit.

Table of Contents
Preface — Foreword — The German multi-centre eating disorder study on the influence of psychodynamic psychotherapy on personality — Differential treatment outcome of inpatient psychodynamic group work — Investigating structural change in the process and outcome of psychoanalytic treatment: The Heidelberg–Berlin Study — Contribution to the measurement of mode-specific effects in long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy — Close family or mere neighbours? Some empirical data on the differences between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy — Psychoanalytically orientated day-hospital treatment for borderline personality disorder: theory, problems, and practice — Henderson Hospital democratic therapeutic community: outcome studies and methodological issues.
Cover - Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy The Controversies and the Future

Serge Frisch, Jean-Marie Gauthier & R. D. Hinshelwood

Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
The Controversies and the Future

December 31, 2001

Karin Bell, Marilia Aisenstein, Jean-Marie Gauthier, Prophecy Coles, Salomon Resnik, Bernard Golse, Antonio Suman, Antonino Brignone, Douglas Kirsner and Robert D. Hinshelwood. With a foreword by Robert S. Wallerstein

Volume 6, 2001, Soft Cover, 154 pages

In this, the sixth volume in the highly successful monograph series produced under the auspices of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Health Services (EFPP), the clear distinctions which once existed between psychoanalysis proper and the psychoanalytic psychotherapies are strongly debated and reassessed in the light of contemporary paradigm shifts in treatment modalities.

“…Certainties about the distinct enough compartmentalizations of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapies no longer exist. The borders between them are now blurred, and they shift constantly, depending on one’s vantage point and one’s theoretical predelictions…This range of uncertainty and contention is clearly illustrated, and very sharply, in the present volume.”
– Robert S. Wallerstein from his foreword.

Cover - Work with Parents Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

Siv Boalt Boethious, Birgit Hallerfors, Ann Horne & John Tsiantis

Work with Parents
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

December 31, 2010

Editorial Committee
Lydia Tischler, Birgit Hallerfors, Siv Boalt Boethius, Anne Horne.
A. Alexandris (Greece), B. Cramer (Switzerland), M. Engelse Frick (Sweden), V. Green (UK), D. Houzel (France), A. Horne (UK), O. Maratou (Greece), G. Miles (UK), M. Rustin (UK).
Drawing on the rich range and depth of the clinical experience of the contributors, this welcome volume will be a valuable tool for clinicians and trainees. The authors share a powerful commitment to the relevance and value of psychoanalytically based work with parents – an area all too often inadequately provided for – and provide heartening evidence of the resilience and intellectual vitality of the various strands within this tradition. 202 pages.

EFPP Monograph Series

“The decision to publish a volume on work with parents in this EFPP monograph series is much to be welcomed. It will go some way to remedy the relative neglect of systemic thinking about this important area of clinical practice and to mount an intellectual challenge to more systemically based family interventions. The range of authors is suggestive of one of the reasons for the absence of much published work in their area, for it draws our attention to the multidisciplinary nature of the work. Included are contributions from child and adult psychoanalytic psychotherapists, social workers, psychiatrists, and psychoanalysts. These different professional groups very often pursue their scholarly debates within professionally defined journals and distinct professional bodies. It is therefore with great pleasure to introduce a book in which a wide range of developments within psychoanalytically based work with children and families across Europe are represented.
“Three things stand out for me in this volume as a whole. First, the rich range and depth of clinical experience available to be pondered by readers makes this book a treasured source for clinicians, and also an excellent resource for training. Second, the service development implications: resources for adequate work with parents are often inadequate, despite all the apparent political will to invest in children’s mental health. Last, taken as a whole, the book is a hopeful record of work in progress at the end of the century in many centers. The writers share a powerful commitment to the relevance and value of psychoanalytically based work, and they provide heartening evidence of the resilience and intellectual vitality of strands within this tradition.”
Margaret Rustin, from her Foreword

Cover - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Severely Disturbed Adolescent

Dimitris AnastasopoulosEffie Lignos & Margot Waddell

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Severely Disturbed Adolescent

December 31, 1999

Editorial Committee
Dimitris Anastasopoulos, Effie Layiou-Lignos, Margot Waddell.
D. Anastasopoulos (Greece), H. Dubinski (UK), P. Jeammet (France), G. Monniello (Italy), A. Noveletto (Italy), J. Pestalozzi (Switzerland), M. Waddell (UK).
With chapters written by psychoanalytic psychotherapists from across Europe, and from different analytic traditions, this book shows the common thread that weaves through these different traditions and the serious challenges facing psychotherapists dealing with the future adult generations of Europe. 189 pages.

EFPP Monograph Series

“As a ‘second chance’ – to use Blos’s term – adolescence contains components that are capable of leading either to a restoration of the fragmented personality or to a hell in which the chaotic psychic disturbance that becomes permanent. This volume brings together a distillation of the therapeutic experience and thinking of senior psychoanalytic therapists working in different European countries and belonging to different ‘schools’ of psychoanalysis. I believe that it will contribute to the exploration of the therapeutic approach to severely disturbed adolescents which has got under way in recent years. The cross-cultural nature of the book is, in particular, a symbol of the prospect of a Europe without frontiers and of the development of the theoretical basis and clinical practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy beyond ideological classifications and obstacles. That, I believe, was also the purpose of the foundation and operation of the EFPP.”
Dimitris Anastasopoulos, from his Foreword

“These chapters are written by psychoanalytic psychotherapists from different countries of Europe and from different analytic traditions, and yet it can be seen that there is a thread running through all of them which shows that our common psychoanalytical ancestry has interacted creatively with our different traditions in Europe. Sometimes these seem to divide us, but I think that they can also be shown to enrich us as we face a common and serious challenge to our psychoanalytic skills and to the future adults of Europe.
Robin Anderson, from his Introduction

Cover - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutional Settings

Serge Frisch, R. D. Hinshelwood, Didier Houzel & Julia Pestalozzi

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutional Settings

December 31, 1998

Editorial Committee: Serge Frisch, Robert Hinshelwood, Didier Houzel.

Contributors: T. Cahn (Switzerland), R. du Bois (Germany), S. Frisch (Luxembourg), L. Grünbaum (Denmark), M Günter (Germany), R. Hale (UK), R. Hinshelwood (UK), J. Pestalozzi (Switzerland), R. Roussillon (France), V. Sinason (UK), W. Skogstad (UK), U. Streeck (Germany), M.-J. Vansina Cobbaert (Belgium), R. Vermote (Belgium), M. Vigorelli (Italy).

Third volume in the EFPP Monograph series. This volume deals with life and work at the interface between psychoanalytic theory and institutional reality, with contributions from writers across Europe, it provides a fascinating cross-fertilisation of ideas. 222 pages.

EFPP Monograph Series

This is the third volume in the highly successful monograph series produced by the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Public Health Services (EFPP). It deals with psychotherapeutic life and work at the interface between psychoanalytic theory and institutional reality. Contributions are provided by writers from across Europe, whose differing perspectives lead to a fascinating cross-fertilization of ideas. Inevitably, a particular theme is the set of constraints and pressures which arise as a result of working in institution, and how to deal with them.
As R.D. Hinshelwood says in his Foreword:

“We need to be continually vigilant and keep our heads clear for thought as well as emotion. This is no minor task. And we have to be ready for it. In my view, there is no better way to prepare ourselves than to be exposed to clear headed reflection about these issues. That is where a book of thoughtful papers such as this becomes essential. These papers, in my view, are not just treatises by people wanting to share obscure issues with each other; they form an essential clinical support to keep us clear-headed and our functions integrated.”

Cover - Supervision and its Vicissitudes

Brian V. MartindaleMargareta MornerMaria E. Rodriguez & Jean-Pierre Vidit

Supervision and its Vicissitudes

December 31, 1997

Editorial Committee: Margareta Morner, María Eugenia Cid Rodríguez, Jean-Pierre Vidit.

Contributors: K. Gordon (Sweden), L. Grinberg (Spain), R. Langs (USA), D. Lloyd-Owen (UK), M. Martínez del Pozo (Spain), P.-Chr. Miest (Switzerland), V. Sedlak (UK), U. Streeck (Germany), I. Szecsödy (Sweden).

A collection of papers dealing with supervision.

EFPP Monograph Series

What is so beautifully exemplified in this entire sequence of chapters that I have depicted is how supervision, a process conceptually grounded in the psychoanalytic understanding of mental functioning, is nonetheless a distinct process of its own, applicable generally to the whole range of helping situations from the psychoanalyses carried out by the most intensively trained, to the nursing care and emotional support from caregivers in settings for the dying – although, of course, in each of the settings described in these various chapters.
Robert S. Wallerstein, from his Foreword

Previous publications on supervision have often stressed the poverty of the literature available. We hope that this publication will contribute to the evidence that the topic of supervision is one that is now undergoing an exciting phase of much more open investigation and conceptualization. These developments in supervision should lead to considerable benefits in the coming years for those who work in public health settings, where they are exposed to powerful psychological and emotional strains in themselves and their patients, as well as to those who offer formal psychotherapies in both public and private settings.

Brian Martindale, from his Editor’s Introduction

Cover - Countertransference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

Dimitris AnastasopoulosBrian V. MartindaleAnne-Marie Sandler & John Tsiantis

Countertransference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents

December 31, 1997

Editorial Committee: Anne-Marie Sandler, Dimitris Anastasopoulos and Brian Martindale.

Contributors: A. Alvarez (UK), D. Anastasopoulos (Greece), J. Godfrind (Belgium), A. Holder (Germany), D. Houzel (France), F. Ladame (Switzerland), A.-M. Sandler (UK), J. Trowell (UK), J. Tsiantis (Greece).

The chapters in this monograph constitute a wide ranging investigation into the phenomena of countertransference as it appears in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of children and adolescents. The authors tackle the subject by bringing both their knowledge of various theoretical perspectives and their clinical experience and by demonstrating the crucial importance of countertransference in a wide range of clinical conditions and treatment settings.

This monograph is an addition to the previously modest literature available on countertransference in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis of children and adolescents. We hope it will prove useful to clinicians in the field and for the training and supervision of students in child and adolescent analysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

John Tsiantis, Editor-in-Chief

EFPP e-journal Review

Publications Series

Publication Series


I am very happy to announce the first issue of the EFPP e-journal. Today, when electronic media affects every aspect of our life, and is so far reaching, I see it as an important step forward for our organization to provide an e-journal that can enhance the dissemination of knowledge and information, where psychoanalytic psychotherapists can present new work that will reach many others and enable them to speak meaningfully with each other, and in all languages.

The EFPP is a European wide umbrella organization for all four forms of psychoanalytic psychotherapy: adult, child and adolescent, group analysis, and family and couples. And this makes us unique. The e-Journal embraces this policy. It is dedicated to fostering knowledge and encouraging dialogues among therapists and psychoanalysts from different countries, from different modes and different schools of psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
We come from different countries and speak different languages. We hope that the e-journal will create an experience of belonging to a community that shares a common sensibility, an accepted vision of the complex and subtle workings of the psyche.
In pursuit of this goal we will publish articles reflecting different modes of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, in different languages, and in different formats: theory, exploring new ideas, reflecting clinical practice.
We welcome the submission of papers from all sections and in all languages.
I thank all the reviewers who do such a dedicated job of reading, evaluating, and commenting on submitted papers. I particularly want to thank Rudolf Balmer and Peter-Christian Miest who came up with the idea of an e-journal and encouraged the executive committee to start this project. Special thanks to Peter-Christian Miest without whom nothing could have happened and to Anna Miest for designing the journal.

Gila Ofer, PhD Editor in Chief

E-JOURNAL associate editors

Adult section:
Tomislav Gajic, Serbia
Ake Granberg, Sweden
Jan van de Sand, Holland

Group section:
Mario David, Portugal
Ulrich Shultz-Venrath, Germany

Family and couple section:
Michael Stasch
[email protected]

Manuela Porto
[email protected]

Child and adolescent section:
Cathy Troupp
Christine Leroy

EFPP Research

Research material relevant to the field

Effectiveness of both short-term and long-term psychoanalytically grounded psychotherapy

Raymond A. Levy, J. Stuart Ablon, Horst Kaechele. New York, Humana Press, in press, 2011.



Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: A Systematic Review of Psychoanalytic Approaches was written by Dr. Eilis Kennedy and published in May 2004 by the North Central London Strategic Health Authority . It contains a systematic review of the research evidence for the effectiveness of psychoanalytic child and adolescent psychotherapy. It concludes that there is evidence to support the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children/young people with a range of psychological disorders. Beneficial effects are shown with treatment on a variety of outcome measures and many studies showed that improvements were sustained or even enhanced at long-term follow up.



Process and Outcome research in Child, Adolescent and Parent-Infant Psychotherapy: A Thematic Review was written by Dr. Eilis Kennedy and Nick Midgley and published in March 2007 by the North Central London Strategic Health Authority . The aim of this second review is to look more broadly at other research, not captured in the first review but nonetheless of relevance to those working psychotherapeutically with children. In order to give some focus to what is a wide area of research, this review is limited to research in three distinct areas, namely the process of psychoanalytic child psychotherapy, child and adolescent research in a clinical setting, and parent-infant psychotherapy. The publication also includes a substantial glossary of many of the measures and assessment tools referred to in each section of the review.



EFPP WORKSHOP REPORT: Erica Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden

The idea for a child psychotherapy research workshop had emerged at an earlier European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy workshop. The Erica Foundation, which is based in Stockholm and has a history of undertaken research into child psychotherapy, took this idea forward and managed to secure a grant to run this invitational workshop. The grant enabled the Erica Foundation to accommodate and feed participants who had to get themselves to Stockholm. On Friday 17 th of October researcher-practitioners from various European countries and three Americans met at the Erica Foundation, which is based in a spacious arts and crafts style building in Stockholm.

Gunnar Carlberg, Pia Eresund and Siv Boalt Boëthius

Carlberg, Eresund & Boëthius - Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Research

EFPP Research Award

The promotion of research is one of the main objectives of the EFPP

European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

EFPP Research Award 2022-23

The promotion of research is one of the main objectives of the EFPP. Being aware of the various results in the field of psychoanalytic psychotherapy research is fundamental for the political impact of our profession.


Angel Award Research

As a member of the EFPP Board and the subcommittee for the EFPP Research Award I would like to invite you to participate with your work and/or that of your colleagues and send your work.

In the attachment you will find the general guidelines for the EFPP Research Award. The concrete procedure is as follows:

The work should be sent to our president, Maria Eugenia Cid Rodriguez by e-Mail. She will forward it in anonymous form to Ulrich Schultz-Venrath and me for evaluation. The result will be ratified by the Board and then communicated to the authors.

We ask for submission of papers by 31 October 2020.

The award ceremony will take place on during the Delegates Meeting on Saturday, 6th March 2021 in Berlin.

We are looking forward to innovative work!

Maria Teresa Diez Grieser & Ulrich Schultz-Venrath

European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

EFPP Research Award 2020-21

The promotion of research is one of the main objectives of the EFPP. Being aware of the various results in the field of psychoanalytic psychotherapy research is fundamental for the political impact of our profession.


Thereby we want to enhance and acknowledge the exchange between clinicians and researchers in our member organizations by granting an award. The award will be monetary, although the prize is mostly symbolic we hope that it can be a stimulus and encouragement for our members to exchange and share their results and reflections concerning psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Award Guidelines

The four sections of the EFPP – Adult individual, Child & Adolescent, Group, and Psychoanalytic Family and Couple Psychotherapy – are invited to participate and submit contributions for the EFPP Research Award


  1. The award will be given for papers or books in the field of psychoanalytic psychotherapy that deal with a research issue or are the product of concrete research in the psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic field. The submitted paper or book must be unplublished or recently published (maximum 1 year when the application arrives to the EFPP Board).
  2. The publications submitted should be original with regard to the research topic on the one hand, and methodologically sophisticated and stimulating for younger training candidates or psychodynamic psychotherapists willing to conduct research on the other hand.
  3. The award will receive a monetary prize of €2000. The EFPP Research Award will be granted every second year during the EFPP Delegates Meeting. The recipient of the award is expected to present her or his paper to the Delegates.
  4. Every researcher or research team can submit their results to the President of the EFPP Board. A subcommittee of Board members will decide upon the applications. After the acceptation of the proposal by the Board the applicant will be informed. At the Delegates Meeting a certifying document will be given to the award winner together with the prize of €2000.

Madrid, January 2021

EFPP Social Applications

Group Analysis & Psychoanalysis in Practice

Reflective Citizens Discipline

has been created in Serbia by two psychiatrists, training group-analysts and psycho-analytic psychotherapists from Belgrade, dr. Marina Mojović and dr. Jelica Satarić – initially out of their wish to apply therapeutic community experiences to the traumatized communities in the field (during the “Horrible Nineties – Destruction of Yugoslavia and its aftermaths). Carefully combining psycho-analytic, group-analytic, group-relations, Listening posts, Bridger’s transitional, social dreaming and therapeutic community traditions, as well as, thinking together with citizen-participants, citizen-conveners and colleagues, they developed a new psycho-social discipline, which provides:

  • spaces for psycho-social dialogues (learning-through-experience);
  • open for all interested citizens, highly appreciating diversity (ethnic, class, political, religious, gender, age, education…);
  • free of charge, as a voluntary activity;
  • joint learning of participants and conveners the ‘art-of-listening’ and the ‘art-of-dialogue’ –  “transforming hate into culture of dialogue (Pat de Mare, 1991, Koinonia).

It is based on the:

  • trust in the capacity of raw human exchanges;
  • need for citizens co-creating the true dialogue culture and citizens responsibility;
  • adaptability to local needs and possibilities;
  • sustainability for keeping the basic human values and of the discipline;
  • multiplication in diversity of citizens situations.

Serbian Reflective Citizens & Reflective Citizens Koinonia (RC Koinonia)

Reflective Citizens Koinonia grew out of the Serbian Reflective Citizens psychosocial discipline: initially conceived in the early 2000 as the Belgrade Reflective Citizens grass-rooted community practice, the method further continued developing and spreading into different parts of Belgrade, then various towns and villages of Serbia (Novi Sad, Kosovska Mitrovica, Užice, Ivanjica, Niš…), other parts of ex-Yugoslav region (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro) and wider.

Reflective Citizens Koinonia became a community of cooperating reflective citizens communities practicing this psychosocial discipline, which is now embracing a vast field of activities: series of workshops (as the basic building-blocks), organizing committees,  coordinating bodies, Belgrade Training for RC-conveners & RC-organizers, Belgrade Training for Social Dreaming hosts, local and international Belgrade conferences, applications to organizational consultancy including social systems (like designed meetings of local community with police), new Serbian RC-branches like “traveling RC” or “spiritual RC”, publications, etc.

Reflective Citizens Koinonia is homed in the Psychosocal Section of the Group Analytic Society Belgrade, created and chaired by dr.Marina Mojović (email: [email protected], mob.+381637787642)

Drustvo Grupnih Analiticara Beograd

The last new born community of the RC Koininia is the Italian Reflective Citizens: the first two RC-workshops held by senior group analysts Alice Mulasso and Marina Mojović in 2019 in Chieri near Torino is inspiring further development of RC in Italy and other countries,

Important is the cooperating with similar/sibling citizens reflective initiatives/practices like are: Sandwich model in Israel, Dallas Diner Tables, the Poland of the Couch.

Poland on the Couch project

Poland on the Couch is an initiative started by group analysts (Institute of Group Analysis Rasztów) aimed at building a safe space for conversation – the basis of social life. Its roots date back to 2014, when an international conference Poland on the Couch – about the strength and fragility of the individual in the contemporary global world seen from the perspective of social and psychodynamic psychology was held. During the conference, analysts together with representatives of the world of science and the media discussed what was happening in Polish society.

The conference has become an inspiration for the organization of the Reflective Citizens’ workshops held in different cities in Poland, in which representatives of different environments can have an opportunity to reflect on social processes. It also resulted in the cooperation with the Polish Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Poland.

Methodology of our Workshops

The workshops usually take place in accordance with the following plan:

I. Social Dreaming Matrix (SDM) – an hour and a half free discussion on the subject of dreams told by individual participants of the meeting together with the commentators of the leaders and with reference to the current and past social situation.


Trilogy – moderated by group analysts discussion in three circles on the following topics: What is for me to be a Polish citizen now? (first circle); Reflections on the first discussion, analysis of revealed emotions and main themes (second circle); Placing both discussions in the social context: local and national (third circle).

II. Short speeches of two or three invited guests, which are a free answer to the main subject of the workshop – that is the question What does it mean to me to be a citizen of Poland?

III. A large group, based on a free floating discussion, during which on the one hand we pay attention to the wider social context, but also to the interaction between the participants of the workshop.

The Organizing Committee on behalf of the Institute of Group Analysis Rasztów (IGAR) is formed by Anna Zajenkowska ([email protected]) and Tomasz Wyrzykowski ([email protected]).

The idea behind the workshops is to activate the local community and facilitate the social process of differentiations and codependency. What is important people from different cities contact us personally or via FB in order to organize such workshops together. It is always free of charge and based only or mostly on the local community effort and of course on ours too. Everybody can join and speak during such meetings. We are open to organize such workshop in any place, should anyone be interested please contact us.


Information on past and upcoming event available at:


Institute of Group Analysis Rasztow



The project resulted also in two books:

Zajenkowska, A. (ed.) (2016). Polska na kozetce – siła obywatelskiej refleksyjności (Poland on the couch – the power of citizens’ reflexivity). Sopot: Smak Słowa

Zajenkowska, A., Levin, U. (ed.) (2019.). A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent. Europe on the Couch. Routhledge: London

A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent. Europe on the Couch is a book that comprises three parts: General reflections; Particular understanding; and Practical interventions. The first and second one concentrate on analyzing processes and dynamics utilizing psychoanalytic and group analytic concepts: from the macro, that is more an European level and from the micro, that is a specific country level perspective. The third part presents some of the current applications of psychoanalytic and group analytic concepts as tools for enhancing national and international change in countries as well as on the “continent as a whole”.

A Psychoanalytic and Socio-Cultural Exploration of a Continent – Europe on the Couch

International Reflective Citizens

New branch of the development of RC Koinonia as a method and community of RC communities

–        Began in spring 2020 and had 3 IRC workshops

–        IRC community of RC trained international hosts from many countries is hosting virtual IRC workshops

–        Management of IRC is in the Belgrade RC Koinonia

–        The last IRC workshop was 21st March 2021 with registered 160 participants from 28 countries coming from 6 continents.

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