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EFPP membership, sections & Board


EFPP Board

Areas of Work & Future Tasks



Becoming a member of the EFPP is meaningful and enriching for organisations because:

  • It allows different organisations from different countries to foster education, training and the development of psychotherapy which is psychoanalytic in principle and practice
  • Both individual organisations and national networks can participate in the promotion of and help to raise awareness on psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Europe regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic status within an umbrella organisation
  • The EFPP promotes the coordination and exchange of research findings relevant to psychoanalytic practice
  • It empowers member organisations by building their knowledge of good practice in other countries, providing them with important information that can be used in discussions on psychoanalytic psychotherapy in political forums
  • It offers an opportunity to strengthen the psychoanalytic identity of member groups by promoting encounters and exchange in conferences and seminars
  • The EFPP offers a platform for news, events and research on its website and a platform for publication in different languages on its e-journal EFPP Review
  • The EFPP offers concrete support for the development of new organizations

If you want your organisation to become an EFPP member, contact either the Honorary Secretary or one of the four Section Chairs. They will inform you on the necessary requirements and procedures.

Types of membership

There are 3 types of membership which vary according to your organisations stage of development:

  1. Observer status if the organisation is still in an early stage of development. As an observer your organisation will get a lot of support to help it determine whether the EFPP matches its needs.
  2. Associate status if the organisation has already built up a training program according to the EFPP standards but does not yet have a core group of at least 6 training therapists. As an associate member your organisation will get a lot of support in strengthening your training programme and related professional activities.
  3. Full membership status if the organisation has already built up a training programme according to the EFPP standards and has a core group of at least 6 training therapists. As a full member your organisation will actively contribute to all decisions and developments within the EFPP.

More information about the different membership statuses and delegate roles.


Complete or download the application form for your respective section here.





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