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The EFPP is a european umbrella organisation that links together national networks of adult, child & adolescent, group and couple & family associations for psychoanalytic psychotherapy that share the EFPP objectives.

Save the date: EFPP Four Sections Conference

The EFPP conference, “A Different World? Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Relatedness in Stormy Times,” in Warsaw from September 27 to 29, 2024.

To stay informed about the event, including updates, new content, and news, we encourage you to visit our official conference website at:

and join our Facebook page at:


EFPP Large Group Meeting 2024

The EFPP Large Group sessions during the challenges of the Corona pandemic in 2020 and the war in Ukraine in 2022 held significant value for many participants. In response, the EFPP board has resolved to create an ongoing Large Group space for EFPP members and associates.

These gatherings will occur every few weeks on Thursday evenings from 20:00 to 21:30 CET. The upcoming Zoom meetings are scheduled for May 16, 2024, June 20, 2024, and July 18, 2024. Please don’t hesitate to join. For more info on the event contact [email protected]


Declaration Israel Autumn 2023

Book releases from C&A Delegate Deirdre Dowling

We congratulate delegate Deirdre Dowling on her newest books:
“Supervision in a Changing World” (2023) & “An Independent Practitioner’s Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy” (2019).

Letter President María Eugenia Cid Rodríguez


Madrid, February 2022


Dear delegates, dear psychoanalytic psychotherapists members of the EFPP community,

In the 21st century, the horror of war has returned to European soil after the failure of diplomatic dialogue and dissuasion. An unjustified and unjustifiable tragedy, which threatens the world order, with unpredictable and warring consequences for the Baltic countries and all Europeans. An invasion that only brings devastation and suffering to the civil population, causing a new and tragic human exodus.

The EFPP strongly condemns this war. Declares itself against war as a means of resolving conflicts and differences. The EFPP declares itself in favour of peaceful and democratic European principles and international law that guarantees the integrity, sovereignty, freedom and equality of all peoples.

The institutional and ethical principles of the EFPP make it a supportive space for dialogue, respect for differences and will always advocate the search for peaceful solutions to all conflicts. The EFPP in such dramatic moments offers itself once again as an open space for sharing, thinking and understanding this experience of violence and madness.

On behalf of the EFPP board and myself, I express our full and warm support, our deep solidarity with the suffering of our Ukrainian and Russian colleagues and their families, and all those who are threatened in neighbouring countries.

We hope for a prompt return to sanity and peace. Our hearts are with you all.




María Eugenia Cid Rodríguez
President EFPP
On behalf of the EFPP Board

[email protected]



Registered Charity Number 1046731 European Federation Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
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